Our activities are strongly focused on innovation and quality, while minimizing our ecological footprint, promoting a greener supply chain and ensuring responsible product lifecycle management.

  • Particle emissions compliance (%).

Our particulate emissions during welding are approximately 57% of the limit (30 mg/Rm3) set by Quebec provincial law Q-2, r. 4.1 - Clean Air Regulation – Art. 10.

  • CO2 emissions compliance (%).

Our CO2 emissions are below 0.5% of the reporting limit (10,000 tons (M) per year) established by Quebec provincial law Q-2, R. 15 - Regulation respecting mandatory reporting of certain emissions of contaminants into the atmosphere - Art. 6.1.

  • Environmental performance indicators.

Our customers' environmental indicators (consolidated and potential) are available on request. Please get in touch with us on the subject.



Our products are manufactured with the environment in mind. The vast majority of materials used are recyclable, and the remaining materials are easy to process due to their low quantity.

To support our customers in protecting the environment, SBB has developed a disposition guide:

Product Disposition Recommendations

This document is available to our customers upon request.

Product Disposition


Environmental requirements

for our suppliers

  • The supplier agrees to comply with current environmental laws and regulations.
  • We favor ISO 14001 (or equivalent) certified suppliers and those who use recyclable packaging materials.

Our management's commitment is available upon request. Please contact us.

See our environmental certification and news.